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PNG FIA Social Policy -Labour on Board Review and Audit

Updated: Dec 3, 2022

PNG FIA in progressing its “Responsible Sourcing Policy (RSP)” commissioned a technical assistance to undertake a social accountability review on labour on board in Lae on the 28th & 29th November 2019.

Seafoodmatter, a Netherlands' leading sustainable seafood consultancy services who provides tailored, unique services in seafood ecolabelling, social auditing, seafood business and policy analysis and who draws from its highly experienced partners and associates was engaged by PNG FIA to undertaken the labor on board audit. The labour on board audit was undertake on a carrier and catcher vessel at the Frabelle wharf in Lae for 2 days.

The Seafood Sector Social Footprint Scoring Framework developed in 2014 by Seafoodmatter, was used for the labour on board audit, which looked at the management system and human rights. There were 17 indicators;

  1. Ethical & Integrity Business (fisheries crime)

  2. Management system (SA8000)

  3. Child labour

  4. Forced labour

  5. Occupational Health & Safety

  6. Discrimination

  7. Remuneration and working agreement

  8. Medical examination & facilities

  9. Crewing & repatriation

  10. Living & working conditions

  11. Working hours

  12. Verification process

  13. Subcontractor & suppliers

  14. Training and communication

  15. Crew voice

This was also part of labour auditing training for internal auditors in relation to crew-labour issues, including the knowledge transfer to FIA officers to enable and empower them to conduct labour management reviews and internal audit.

FIA is instituting labour onboard minimum framework as part of its MSC Scheme requirements. PNG FIA has a workplan that aims to rollout the labour on board audit for FIA members’ management system and human rights awareness and policing especially those participating under the PNG FIA MSC scheme.

The two days onboard audit was undertaken by three Seafoodmatter technical personnel which included Marcelo Hidalgo (lead assessor), Peter Trott (co-assessor) and Karen Lo (trainee). Whilst industry personnel shadowing the audit to build internal capability were Jonathan Manieva (PNG FIA Office), John Maefiti (PITIA), Glen Mesias (Fishing Fleet Manager-Frabelle PNG), Christian Miclat (HR Manager -Frabelle PNG).


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