PNG Fishing Industry Association (FIA) convened its first workshop on Marine Litter & Fishing Gear (Ghost) Management Practices in Lae on 10-11 September 2019.
Fleet managers of the domestic tuna purse seine fleet plus staff from National Fisheries Authority (NFA) participated in this workshop.
Marcelo Hidalgo of Seafood Matter consultancy and Jonathan Manieva-PNG FIA Executive Officer facilitated the workshop. A GAP Analysis on the current situation of policy(s) in place was undertaken. In addition, a self-appraisal checklist was designed and provided as an outcome of the workshop to participants who are in charge of administrating this industry initiated policy implementation.
During the workshop, it was acknowledged that in PNG, the Observer regulation on MARPOL requirements (via GEN 6 Form) acknowledges and administers this requirement in the minimum.
The next step in this work is for PNG FIA secretariat to undertake visitation and facilitate the audit, development and localization at company operational level planned for later this year and early in 2020.
The Marine Litter & Fishing Gear (Ghost) Management Practices is one pillar of PNG FIA’s "Responsible Sourcing Policy." Others included Marine Stewardship Certification (MSC), Fisheries Improvement Program, Traceability on Board and Labour Welfare policy.