In February 2023, another project milestone was achieved by our members and associates, independent and third-party recognition of the FISH certification for Crew.
This is the result of a long due diligence process that started in 2018 with the development of PNG Fishing Industry Association Responsible Sourcing Policy (RSP) commitment, later in 2019 Seafoodmatter carried out the first assessment onboard of Crew welfare and Social Responsibility in Frabelle fishing purse seiner and carrier. By 2020, FIA PNG developed its Social Accountability and Crew Welfare procedure with a holistic approach to preparing its fleet, crew awareness, and crew conditions onboard for this recognition. It has been a journey of almost 4 years, it was not easy. Seafoodmatter and FIA PNG office team are glad and proud to see how our members cooperated with the FIA PNG office and improved practices that were not performing properly, and now our Crew PNG nationals and Filipinos are getting the benefits of awareness, decent working, and living conditions onboard. Globally, we can share it and tuna buyers can verify our performance as a leader in the Pacific Region and the first tuna fleet globally to get this recognition of FISH certification. This is just the beginning, the hardest part just started, we must ensure that these conditions are maintained in every single tuna purse seiner of our FIA PNG members which are more than 45 tuna purse seiners. We are working and building capacity with internal auditors to deploy them soon. Together with the opening of our tuna fleet VMS to the Global Fishing Watch, and the alignment of the 10 principles of Transparency of the Environmental Justice Foundation, we aim to increase the bar in Social accountability and Crew Welfare performance in the Global Tuna Industry. Read the full article in Undercurrentnews: