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Shark’s release by the FIA PNG tuna fleet F/V Niupelalip

For more than a decade our FIA PNG tuna fleet has been applying best practices for the safe release of sharks (other whale sharks and Mantas/Mobullids), sea turtles, and cetaceans. We continuously tend to update and improve our ETP procedures; also the FIA PNG office in collaboration with the SPC will provide training to each of our more than 55 tuna purse seiners’ crews, Officers, and Captains.

In this video, we observe in action our crew releasing and saving sharks as part of our efforts for the conservation of these elasmobranchs.

The Fishing Vessel Niupelalip's Crew members is from the Frabelle fishing fleet. We, at FIA PNG, ensure best handling and release practices of ETP species to improve populations and their survival purpose.


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