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PNG FIA Makes presence Felt at the Brussels Seafood Exposition

Updated: May 31, 2019

This year’s expo participation in Brussels was considered by industry counterparts in Europe that it was one of the best in terms of been professional and constructive.

“We were very impressed about the fabulous PNG booth at the fair and for the first time the massive presence of the all PNG industry, and the presentation performed by Sylvester Pokajam,’ commented Claudine Michalek, Président of the European Fishing Industry Association.

PNG Fishing Industry Association through the Chairman/President Sylvester Pokajam and Executive Officer Jonathan Manieva made presentation of FIA and its members and its pursuit and an update on the PNG FIA MSC project.

It was revealed through feedbacks by European industry contacts that their customers have shown lot of enthusiasm in the prospect the PNG MSC pursuit been finalized their interest to forging partnership and promoting PNG tuna in the European market.

Other global stakeholders like Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI) and WWF avail themselves to have talks and exchanges and have expressed reception to collaborate with PNG FIA to support and progress its responsible sourcing policy in the areas of marine debris, biodegradable FADs and human right protection in the supply/production chain of the fishery.

PNG FIA is confident to achieve a full MSC certification for its tuna fishery and geared up to work with its counterparts in Europe to promote PNG sustainability policy in the tuna industry and demonstrate PNG tuna industry is the one to be considered in future. “Work mas go yet!”said Sylvester Pokajam.

This successful outcome can only be attributed to all the dedication of PNG delegation both NFA and Foreign Affairs officials and the FIA membership who attended and participated at this Expo. This collaborative effort is the ingredient for a real success for PNG tuna industry future development.

To view the full presentations slides, click here.



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