2022 was another landmark year for the FIA PNG members, with us continuing to move work on RSP's pillars forward in a global context. We increased our stakeholder collaboration, updated our second-party audit report process, developed capacity-building workshops for our members and for our office team, and increased our presence at ocean and fisheries sustainability conferences and events.
The 2022 Annual Report details the successes of the FIA PNG RSP and several of our members over the last year - huge thanks to everyone who contributed! We're always extremely proud of what we're able to achieve together as a group. Some of the highlights in the report include:
Progress with regard to the pillars of the FIA PNG Responsible Sourcing Policy
MSC certification: Responsible management of marine resources
Marine Litter & Fishing Gear
Social Accountability & Crew Welfare
Voices of FIA PNG members
Partners and Stakeholders
Market engagement, communication & sustainability
Education to drive sustainable change
Please download and read our FIA PNG RSP Annual Report 2022: